Data Recovery

Data Recovery Leicester

As quick is data is created, it can be lost.  Usually through either accidental damage, liquid damage or electronic part failure within the device.  Over the last 11 years, we have expanded our industry knowledge and honed our skills to enable us to offer a well rounded service for the recovery of your data.

Our Methods For Data Recovery

Dependant on many factors including the device make and model, the issue and the history of the device will determine the appropriate route we take to recover your data.  If a component has naturally failed within the logic board of your device, it may be more cost effective for us to repair the logic board rather than replacing the data retaining components to another motherboard.  If the device has been water damaged or damaged heavily in any other way, it may be a better solution to swap the necessary IC chips to a a working donor board to retrieve your data that way.

How It Works

With our data recovery service, we work on a no fix, no fee basis and will always provide a no obligation quotation in advance so that you can make your decision in regards to the data recovery.  If you wish to proceed, we’ll require the payment for the data recovery in advance and we’ll discuss the options as to whether the device will function after to view and manually transfer your data from the device, or we can transfer your data to an external flash drive.  Our turnaround for data recovery Leicester jobs is usually 21 days, however this can vary based on demand at the time. Once the data recovery repair has been completed, we’ll ask for your passcode to complete the data recovery attempt.  It is important that you know your passcode for the device as the data cannot be retrieved without this. Once the device is repaired and the data available, the repair is strictly non refundable as per our T&C’s. For more information and to view our Terms and Conditions, please click here.

Apple Watch (#10)